This is the second, out of three concept car realeases from Volvo, based on the brand new SPA platform. Whereas it's predecessor, the Concept Coupé had its focus on design, the Concept XC Coupé is all about Scandinavian capability.
The release was made in two parts: first a teaser that acted more as a detail design study of the car, then a few weeks later a launch film displaying the car in its proper environment.
We decided early on to have "Frozen moments" as the basis for how we would display the car. Not the matrix-bullet-time kind; just gentle frozen snapshots of the car in action. A perfect way to show off the car's design and capability at the same time.
Production-wise this was different beast as well. Three separate digital environments had to be created, with a unique look and feel to each and everyone of them.
Produced by Edithouse Film Works in november/december 2013 for Volvo Cars.