SPA - Scalable product Architecture is Volvo’s up and coming platform. This will change how they construct and design cars in coming years. This will create a breed that is 100 % Volvo. Concept Coupé is the first of three concept cars showing the possibilities of SPA. The first car is all about design. We thought a new beginning needed a celebration like a new years eve, fireworks and all.
Since there was no car to film we had to build everything using 3D graphics. To enhance the feeling that this is for real, that this is no fantasy car, we thought it important to still approach this piece as we would working with analogue film technique.
As filmmakers we respect the art of storytelling. Storytelling is not a mathematical formula. When using 3D it’s easy to get stuck in numbers, the exactness of a geography or an object. When shooting analogue you can move your objects around or change lens to best fit every camera angle. How it looks in reality or in the mathematical world of computers is not just interesting. What you search for is story and compositions that best convey the message.
With this in mind, before we started constructing 3D wise, we planned the film out like we would working analogue. Then we reproduced this with the help of computers.
Produced by Edithouse Film Works in august 2013 for Volvo Cars.