When preparing a commercial for Edet 50 ideas, regarding what kids can dream up in a bathroom, where laid on the table. These ideas were inspired by the directors’ own experience along with dialogs with kids and parents. The ideas with the biggest visual impact where choosen.
Erik Eger, director: ”Kids never let their imagination get tied up by the environment they’re in. The more complicated a situation, the more genial the solution. Kids are a constant source of inspiration.”
The hardest objects to control when making a film are kids and animals. Since this film had only kids and no adults in it’s cast there was commenced a cooperation with an experienced child cinematographer, Pia Ulin. Everyone was very pleased with the production which became the small adventure that you can see beside this text.
Edet was produced by Edithouse Film Works in September 2010 commissioned by Valentin & Byhr.